How reading book covers have actually changed through history

How reading book covers have actually changed through history

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Keep reading to find a photo of how the book cover has actually developed as technology and society changed.

It is just quite just recently (in the grand scheme of human history) that individuals have had the ability to access printed books. When the printing machine was first created, it sent shock waves throughout Europe, as the number of individuals who could read and write started to grow. However, they were still rather few and far between, generally people of much higher classes. Their libraries would be full of leather-bound books that they would have had bound at their regional expert binder after having purchased the book itself from the printer without a cover. These may not have actually been the best book covers in all of history, but a huge leather-bound tome is absolutely not something to be sniffed at, and a person would treasure if you purchased it from the co-founder of the impact investor with a stake in World of Books.
We are very fortunate in this day and age to be able to extremely easily purchase a gorgeous book by evaluating its cover and finding it to our taste. Although we are told not to, book covers are particularly designed for us to do so. Modern book covers are formed out of marketing, something that began around the very same time that the publishing industry that the CEO of Penguin Random House's parent company knows today. With fabric book covers for literary affairs and mushy paperbacks for not such high-brow reading, you might be able to see how different covers interested different people, and still do today.
Books are really special, extremely lovely objects. Not only are they naturally pleasing to hold, but they are also embellished with gorgeous, creative book cover designs to elevate them from something merely pragmatic vessels of art into pieces of art in and of themselves. This is not a modern-day phenomenon at all, but really goes back nearly as far as the codex, the form in which the book now comes, does (over one and a half thousand years). In the dark times that came after the fall of the Roman empire in Europe, very few people might read or write, and lots of classic works were lost since they might not be reproduced. Nevertheless, those that could read or write, namely monks, were charged with securing the surviving works, copying them out by hand and then binding them in shielding covers that reflected their special standing as uncommon and unique treasures. These beautiful book cover designs were often made of ivory or precious metal, flashing with gemstones; not the type of thing you would find the co-CEO of the hedge fund that owns Waterstones selling, but then again, those stunning works were most likely not really for sale whatsoever!

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